the believer's forever home is in heavenly places
February 2025, 10:45 a.m. Pacific Standard Time, Sunday Bible study over Zoom:
Van and Vivien are away taking a few weeks of vacation.
Upon our return, and before we start a study tour through 2Corinthians, we are planning to invest one or two (??) Sundays towards understanding the Mystery Gospel as revealed to Paul; it is MORE than 1Corinthians 15. It has much to do with a matter that was hidden and completely unknown to the Devil...and for good reason.
While everything concerning Israel's Messiah/the Christ is found in what we call the 'Old Testament' the Mystery Gospel in no way can be found before Jesus revealed it to Paul; the Devil would have otherwise found the Mystery Gospel if it had been hidden in the OT or anywhere in the Bible before Paul (Galatians 1:11-12).
God describes the Devil, the anointed covering cherub, as a creature created with 'beauty', 'wisdom' and 'brightness' (Ezekiel 28:17 - the word 'brightness': The quality of being bright - displaying great intelligence, clever; brilliancy, clearness; vivacity, quickness of intellect. OED). If the Mystery had been included in the OT in any way the Devil would have found it and accounted for it in his plans.
To better understand the Mystery Gospel I need to better understand the Devil...and, while that may seem to be an oddly wrong objective, it will greatly assist me in my efforts to understand the Mystery Gospel and WHY it was necessary for that Gospel to be kept a mystery...all because it was principally hidden from the Devil.
What are the Devil's objectives?
What does the Devil really want?
Why doesn't the Devil just give up; wasn't he defeated at the cross of Christ and the resurrection?
Does the Devil still have a move where he could win something of his objectives?
Why was it necessary for God to hide a Gospel from the Devil?
Recorded studies are planned to resume during the second half of February 2025. will be updated over the weeks and will provide information on study resumption.
Thoughts, comments, questions will reach us through use of the 'Contact & Listener Map' page of this website.
Berean Bible study